Saturday, 3 October 2015

Multitasking for FNWF

I had a lovely evening stitching while listening to a podcast.

Thanks Cheryll for a bit of quiet time in my week, I needed it.

You can see what everyone else got up to on Cheryll's blog. Have a great week everyone.



Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Lovely stitching x

Michelle Ridgway said...

Lovely stitching. Sounded very relaxing x

Maria said...

Looks like a nice stitchery you are working on Tracy...

Cath said...

Interesting looking stitchery!

Flickenstichlerin said...

Sounds like a nice relaxing evening with lovely stitching.

Cheryll said...

It was lovely having your company! Xox

The Sloan Patch said...

Podcasts are great aren't they...I also listen to talking books while I'm's so peaceful. Lovely stitchery...

Anthea said...

What was the podcast Tracy? The ABC has great ones...

Great pics from the WAQA event, some stunning work there...